Pump Service & Pump Refurbishment
Amarinth offers a full in-house pump service strip, report & pump refurbishment service for single stage end suction pumps to help you assess the useful economic life of your existing worn or damaged pumping equipment.
Whether you have an Amarinth, former Girdlestone or any other OEM manufacturer’s pump, our skilled pump engineers are on hand to support you with returning the pump to reliable service across all applications and major industries.
Customers receive a detailed technical report and pumps are stripped, checked and assessed against critical tolerance and operating measures. When a refurbishment is the most cost effective option the pumps are fully repaired, tested and warrantied in our on-site test facilities.
Our service engineering pump strip reports are typically completed within four weeks from arrival of a fully decontaminated pump, though more urgent requests can also be accommodated.

For more information about this service please get in touch using one of the methods below.